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Are You in Style? Or Out?

Communication in it's simplest form can be defined as the exchanging or imparting of information or news. In essence, this hasn't changed at all. We still exchange and impart information and news anywhere and everywhere and to anyone who will listen. It's the methods of HOW we communicate now in the digital era that have changed.

A family watching television in their home, circa 1955. Image via Google &

The "old" style more often than not was that of face-to-face communication. It then delved into radio and television and all of the news and information we could now glean from hearing or watching. Now as we progress in a very digital age, the style in which we communicate is more sophisticated
and progressive that you have to keep up or be left behind.

Now in the "new" style you can watch "TV" on social media platforms. You can use YouTube, Instagram, Facebook via your digital tablet, your computer, your smartphone, and more to exchange or impart that information or news you once sought out on an actual television set.

So, are you "in" style with how you watch television? Or are you "out" of style and using the archaic form of television? 


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