As an artist, designer and creator it's important that I stay up to date on applications, programs and other things I can use to create. As a marketer and communicator the same can be said because I need to be able to communicate to my audience in a manner that caters to what they want. If I want to utilize social media to get my message out, it's important that I not only make sure my statement reaches my audience, but my visual content is designed in a manner that is easily readable. This is often a step missed in communication because we think we can just put our message out there by informal means, when in reality if we want to stand out it must be designed accordingly. This requires training on a communicator and marketers part. An easily accessible application that is now available on a smart phone or tablet (and computer) is that of Canva. "Canva is a user-friendly design tool that makes it possible for businesses, marketers, bloggers, and other individua...
A blog about the ever changing communication formats we use to exchange or impart news; and the training communicators now need to ensure we're up to date in how we give that news to others.